Solemn Baroque
Activity 01Concert

Solemn Baroque

Date and time

28 April 2019, Sunday 19:00

Solemn music of the Baroque era performed by the organist from Kyiv Bohdan Demianenko.
"The center of this music is the image of a person: its joy, suffering and philosophical reflection on the structure of the world in which she lives," says the organist.
Tucket and jubilation by Bach, the solemn excursion of Dic nobis Maria by Scheidemann, magnificent reflection in Buxtehude. This is a real conceto maestroso!

Bohdan Demianenko actively concerts as an organist since 2009. He also restores the organ of the Opera Studio of the National Musical Academy in Kyiv, writes his own works and explores Ukrainian Baroque music. In the creative work of the artist are more than a dozen scientific articles, orchestra, ensemble, organ, choral, vocal, piano pieces.
He is the winner of the special award for the Karabits family (Competition for young composers in memory of Ivan Karabits) and Lyudmila Kaverina Prize as a musicologist. Graduated from the postgraduate studies at the National Academy of Music P. Tchaikovsky

Bohdan Demianenko - organ (Kyiv)

J.S. Bach - Prelude and Fugue in D Major
J.S. Bach - Prelude and Fugue B Minor
D. Buxtehude - Prelude, Fugue and Ciaccona in C Major
G. Scheidemann - Intuition of the Motete G. Bassano Dic nobis Maria

The program will be supplemented

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